Let’s talk about public code is the edited version of the live streamed show where we interview people working with public code codebases. We define ‘public code’ as open source software developed by public organizations, together with the policy and guidance needed for reuse. The podcast is produced by the Foundation for Public Code.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
#5 - Amy van Someren, Signalen
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
In the fifth episode of Let's talk about public code we talk to Amy van Someren from the municipality 's-Hertogenbosch. We discuss their experience as first reusers of the Signalen codebase.
Signalen is an open source process and task system for governments, which automatically categorizes and routes reports about public space for processing by the appropriate handler.
Read more at: https://signalen.org
See Signalen live at: https://meldingen.s-hertogenbosch.nl/

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
#4 - Lea Hemetsberger, Open & Agile Smart Cities
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
In the fourth episode we talked to Lea Hemetsberger from Open & Agile Smart Cities. We discussed how they are collaborating with cities worldwide to support their digital transformation journey. We also talked about one of their latest resources, the CITYxCITY Academy.
Open & Agile Smart Cities is a network that connects cities and communities worldwide to learn from each other and exchange digital, data-driven solutions based on Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms. They represent their members towards international institutions, fora and standards developing organizations to ensure that their voice is heard when new standards come about. Read more at: https://oascities.org/

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
#3 - Sergei Maertens and Tjerk Vaags, OpenZaak
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
In the third episode we talk to Sergei Maertens from Maykin Media and Tjerk Vaags from Contezza. We discuss how they handled a security issue in OpenZaak. The developers describe how the process for handling Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures worked in this collaborative codebase.
OpenZaak is an open source API for municipalities who want to deliver citizen-friendly services online. Read more at: https://openzaak.org
Two references to GitHub were made in the discussion:
This collaboration was started through a market consultation. You can read about the process in this blog post, and you can find the complete documentation in the GitHub repository. OpenZaak is currently in incubation with the Foundation for Public Code.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Let's talk about public code #2 - Rasmus Frey, OS2
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
In the second episode we will talk to Rasmus Frey, the Head of Secretariat for OS2, a government organisation that focuses on shared development with open source, open innovation and transparency.
OS2 is an 8 year old association of 67 Danish municipalities that commission and manage open source software together.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Let's talk about public code #1 - Arnau Monterde, Decidim
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
In the first episode of 'Let's talk about public code', we will meet Arnau Monterde. Arnau holds a PhD in Information Society and Knowledge from the Open University of Catalunya, and is the coordinator of Decidim codebase. Decidim enables free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations.